Oil Painting Artist

Alison Waye is an oil painter based in Adelaide Hills. Alison’s art is inspired by the 19th-century art form of realism. Realism represents the notion that art is natural and as close to reality as possible. Alison’s art is a manipulation of the visual medium using oil colours to communicate how she sees the world around her.
Alison’s muses are the many native Australian life forms. She has a Bachelor of Visual Arts & Design from TAFE and a Graduate Diploma in Teaching. Her work is a visual representation of how humans interact with other species and our innate relationship with our surroundings.
From The Artist’s Pen
“The intention for my work is to express a sense of compassion, empathy, care and reverence for the other species we share this environment with. Living in the Age of the Anthropocene where humans dominate and control all environments it is easy to fall into despair. Through my paintings, I find a way out of despair as I focus on positive stories of individuals who care for our native species.”
Meet The Artist
Alison conducts regular workshops at The PaintBox, teaching the art of non-toxic oil painting to beginners.
Her work is exhibited frequently exhibited in art galleries across Adelaide & the Adelaide Hills.
Follow our Facebook page or check out our Events section for information about Alison’s upcoming events.